Tuesday, 6th December 2022

Back to the Thursford Christmas Spectacular after a 2-year hiatus. We were worried we would get there too early, glad when we were held up by farm vehicles, but when we got there the joint was already heaving! Virginia had to locate a table we could share while I joined a slow moving queue for food in the marquee. Coaches had already arrived, and plenty of cars.

The show was pretty much the same as before, the comedian who said he was Armenian was cleaner, there were jugglers and circus performers as a diversion, the doves still flew across the theatre at the end. Impressive but not the shock of the new for me. Santa's Magical Journey was the same pretty much, what was new and welcome was a light display outside which Virginia wisely had us tour again in the dark after the show.

The jacket potatoes we had for lunch were fine, but the pie efforts we had for dinner didn't agree with me. Google Maps led us both astray going (wanted us to turn too soon into Thursford) and coming back the route out of Thursford was suboptimal.