Games released in 2001

Adventure at the Chateau d'Or
Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland (2001)
Alone in the Dark 4: The New Nightmare
Arabian Nights
Arcane Season 2: The Stone Circle
Arthur's Knights: Tales of Chivalry 2
Atlantis 3: The New World
The Beauty or the Beast
Bioscopia: Where Science Conquers Evil
Blue's Clues: Blue's Big Musical
Calsoon 1
The Cameron Files 1: Secret at Loch Ness
Casanova: The Duel of the Black Rose
A Case for TKKG: Jennifer is Missing (2001)
Chemicus: Journey to the Other Side
Crystals of Faradise
Diamond Mystery of Rosemond Valley
Druuna Morbus Gravis
Egypt Kids
Erevos Chronicle
Erotica Island
The Famous Five 4: Dangerous Discovery
The Famous Five 5: Secret Mission
The Fish Files
Flower, Sun and Rain
Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove
Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria
Hitchcock: The Final Cut
I Spy
I Spy 2
Jack Orlando: A Cinematic Adventure (Director's Cut)
Jekyll and Hyde
Julia's Time Adventures: Sweet Sixties
Jumpstart Explorers
The Key
King's Quest 1a: Quest for the Crown
Krabat and the Secret of the Sorbian King
Last Rose in a Desert Garden
Little Critter and The Great Race
The Magic School Bus Discovers Flight Activity Center
Majestic (2001)
Moop and Dreadly in The Treasure on Bing Bong Island
The Mummy Mystery
The Murderer
Myst 3: Exile
Mystery Island 2: The Last Adventure
Mystery Of The Druids
Nancy Drew 4: Treasure in the Royal Tower
Nancy Drew 5: The Final Scene
Necronomicon: The Dawning of Darkness
Passage: Path of Betrayal
Permanent Daylight
Pleurghburg: Dark Ages
Point of View
Road to India: Between Hell and Nirvana
Runaway 1: A Road Adventure
Schizm 1: Mysterious Journey
Scooby-Doo: Classic Creep Capers
Scooby Doo Jinx At The Sphinx
The Secrets of Alamut
Sethi and the Crown Of Egypt
Sethi and the Inca Wizard
Shadow Of Memories
Space Quest: The Lost Chapter
Spy Fox 3: Operation Ozone
Tabaluga and the Crystals of Time
Terra Realms
Treasure Hunt 2001
Trev's Excellent Adventure
Uncle Albert's Fabulous Voyage
Uncle Albert's Mysterious Island
Versailles 1700
The Watchmaker
Will 2: The Castle
Willowbrook Stables: Search for the Golden Horseshoes