Stewart Island
Wednesday, 22nd February 2006

Stewart Chessboard

Stewart Island was the furthest south I've been. And worth going south - it felt like one had crossed from where nature was tamed to where wilderness reigned. So green, so lush, out of the rat race. I could easily have spent more days here. Wekas patrolled the beaches innocent of the serpents civilisation has introduced to most of New Zealand.

Torrential driving rain - no kiwi watching last night. Went to Ulva Island off Stewart Island today for a half day. We saw New Zealand Robin, new Zealand tomtits, bellbird, kaka, weka - very tame scavenger on the foreshore, elephant seals basking, brown creeper. Very wet today - umbrella fern, podocarpus trees, hen and chicken fern where spores grow on Leaves. Rats eat seeds being part of ecosystem. Water taxi back to Stewart Island then flew back to Invercargill. Said goodbye to Wynston and drove up to Te Anau. Snow is forecast! A brilliant view from Loch Vista but it is a converted house and can hear all that goes on.