There are various rituals which mark the turning of a year for me. I can think of my own birthday halfway through the year, I can think of Christmas and New Year of course which is a busier family time. Virginia would be unhappy if I failed to mention St Valentine's Day which we now tend to observe at the Phoenix in Histon, one day out so it's more relaxed.
The less common rituals are those like the Tufty Club Outing held on the last Thursday in July, or the fireworks at Impington Village College which begin the season of winter. And what's becoming our annual pilgrimage to Thursford for their Thursford Christmas Spectacular.
We begin the year with seeing the snowdrops at Anglesey Abbey. A pleasant stroll in an otherworldly place, slightly removed from the stressful society we inhabit. Doors in walls make me think fondly of "The Silver Chair".
Snowdrops of Anglesey Abbey
Even in winter there is artistry in the gardens to behold
Snow has left its footprints on this walk