Saturday, 9th January 2021

Lucid Dream
Game Lucid Dream
Released 2018
Developer Dali games
Available Apple Steam

Lucid Dream is an Adventure game about a wheelchair bound girl Lucy finding her way through worlds which are a cross between C.S. Lewis's "Narnia" and paintings by Dali. The gameplay reaches heights of dream logic to solve some of the puzzles - at times I made progress without understanding how or why. The puzzles are not tortuously hard, but I did get a sense of accomplishment at times. There's no timed puzzles, or sound based challenges, or dexterity required.

Lucy goes on flights of fancy as she tries to come to terms with, or escape into a surreal world from, her father no longer being there. Endings are important and this game does have a suitable ending. The game may not be VR or 3D, but that didn't matter to me playing or enjoying it. I would be happy to play more games like this.

The game is episodic, and the environments for each puzzles are not huge. It's usually one puzzle at a time. There are hints in the game itself.