Friday, 12th June 2020

The Gardens Between
Game The Gardens Between
Released 2018
Developer The Voxel Agents
Available Apple GOG Steam

The Gardens Between is a beautiful puzzle game in which you guide a couple of children through a series of islands. The islands are populated with toys and TVs and sinks and childhood memories. Even without solving the puzzles there is a lot of imagination to wonder at.

There is a small story here, a large one to the children, the ending is foreshadowed in the opening. But the main draw here are the game worlds (islands?) and the puzzles to be solved.

The game mechanic is novel to me. As a player you either go forward or backwards in time and see what happens, sometimes touching switches or moving a light key to your progress. The puzzles go from simple to rewarding to solve, puzzles which require careful observation of what happens as you manipulate time.

I felt I was robbing those who made this game by paying so little to play it on my iPad.