Tuesday, 29th August 2023

Game Druidstone: The Secret of the Menhir Forest
Released 2023
Developer Ctrl Alt Ninja Ltd.
Available GOG Steam

Druidstone is a third-person fantasy RPG where you control a small party in a fight against the dark forces corrupting a magical forest. To be honest I found the plot not the strongest part of the game. What was good and kept me going was the variety of missions to be accomplished, and the sense of achievement when the game proclaimed your efforts as successful.

As you progress you get gold to buy equipment, and experience which as you level up allows you to choose new talents for your party members. You also can get green stars which let you upgrade talents and equipment.

You can (and will need to) replay missions to get all the experience and upgrade stars going. This for me further inconvenienced the story as the replay doesn't reflect where you are in the story. It isn't until you tackle missions that you may realise what equipment and talents you need. There are more Adventure style puzzles in some of the missions, in one or two cases I had to refer to walkthroughs as the solution wasn't fair I felt.

For most of the game the music is gentle and matching the forest settings with cute animals and meditative druids. However the final boss battles has a discordant techno thrash theme to assail the eardrums.