Monday, 24th June 1901

The @date directive assigns a date to a page. If a date is specified it will appear at the top of the webpage (if there is any content on the page).

So for example the code:

@date 24 June 1901

causes this page to have Monday, 24 June 1901 appear at the top. Assigning dates to pages is important for the order of indexes on pages with certain styles.

If the date is in the future the page will not appear in the generated website.

The date parsing is simplistic: a number above 1800 is taken as a year, a number in the range 1 to 31 is taken as a day, and a text string starting with a 3-letter month name (case insensitive) is taken as a month.

Multiple @date directives will result in headings on the page with those dates. For example the code:

@date 25 June 1901


Tuesday, 25th June 1901