The _config.yaml file at the root of the source file directory contains configuration for the website generation.


Key Value
dimensions Map of names to array of dimensions to use at different page sizes
liquid Path to Liquid template files
misspelt_words Where to write list of words that failed spell checking
root_url Web address to generated website
spell_checking Directory containing word lists
menu_items_per_line Menu items per line for the different page sizes
num_menu_colours:Number of available colours for the menu item boxes

An example _config.yaml file:

icon:   [[96, 72],[96, 72],[192, 144],[240, 180]]
image:   [[360, 270],[360, 270],[748,561],[1024,768]]
logo:   [[350, 50],[748, 100],[1250, 150],[1880, 200]]
overlay:  [[350, 240],[600,450],[800,600],[1024,768]]
liquid: /Users/peter/Website/liquid
spell_checking: /Users/peter/Website/words
misspelt_words: /tmp/misspelt.txt
menu_items_per_line: [3,3,5,5]
num_menu_colours: 7