Checklist for choosing a new host
- Available disk space
- PHP and MySQL available
- SSH available with SSH keys for scripted access
- SSL certificates for https access to website
- Can check website before changing nameservers
- Number of email accounts
- Email forwarding
- Webmail
- Domain redirection
- Cost
- Check reviews on the web
Loading and verifying site on new host
- Buy hosting
- Change to monthly billing on old host
- Create new SSH key pair Dreamhost
- Enable SSH access using keys Dreamhost Hostgator
- Use rsync to upload all files avoiding changing root .htaccess
- Upload MySQL database(s)
- Verify site working not going through domain
- Verify PHP MySQL pages working
SSH access before public key set up may need -o PubkeyAuthentication=no option to suppress use of public keys.
HTTPS and SSL certificates
- Request SSL certificate
- Edit .htaccess file to force HTTPS on site
Email setup
- Set up email accounts
- Set up email forwarding
- Set up catchall email account if possible at first
- Edit the IMAP servers in the Mail accounts
Change nameservers
- Change name servers verify
- Change name servers verify
- Check email works
Before switching the servers used to read and send
email backup all the emails into a Mail folder stored
on the computer itself.
Old host cleanup
- Close old websites
- Move domain registration?