There's a variety of sources for the text on the pages in the game proper.

Some pages have snatches of poetry or songs that often run through my head. Songs like Gilbert and Sullivan, or Flanders and Swann, or Simon and Garfunkel. Poetry like "Kublai Khan" by Coleridge. There's also nursery rhymes some of which to me seem to have Jungian archetypes embedded in them.

There are fewer quotations and excerpts from literary works, such as Dickens or Philip Jose Farmer.

There are a number of lists as well, of entities like colours or birds or fruit. Or authors and books by authors. These lists help create interesting linkages between the game pages it must be admitted.

I haven't inside the game acknowledged where the texts on the pages come from. Inside my head the texts exist on their own, and often I couldn't say where they came from. A partial list of the authors / sources:

Author / source - 1066 and all that Abba Amergin Matthew Arnold The Bible William Blake Bonzo Dog Doo Dah band Robert Browning Carols Lewis Carroll Cats (musical) Chuang Tzu Samuel Taylor Coleridge Noel Coward Charles Dickens John Donne Bob Dylan T S Eliot ELP lyrics Philip Jose Farmer Fitzgerald's translation of Omar Khayyam Flanders and Swann Gilbert and Sullivan Kenneth Grahame Oscar Hammerstein Bishop Heber William Ernest Henley Hymns Jokes John Keats Charles Kingsley The Kinks Rudyard Kipling Edward Lear C S Lewis Li Bai Groucho Marx A A Milne Miscellaneous lists and songs Music Hall Ogden Nash Nursery rhymes George Orwell Pink Floyd Edgar Allan Poe Cole Porter Queen lyrics Rocky Horror Picture Show lyrics Sayings The Scaffold lyrics William Shakespeare Simon and Garfunkel Peter Sinfield Edith Sitwell Spooner Tao Te Ching Alfred Lord Tennyson J R R Tolkien Oscar Wilde William Wordsworth