23rd September 2018

Started down the slippery and prolonged slope of doing a CYOA game where the player chooses the order to experience the episodes in.

7th October 2018

Decided on the plot and an alliterative title. Collecting ideas for the locations.

18th October 2018

Began defining the locations in a structured way suitable for a compilation process.

2nd November 2018

Started work on a Ruby parser for the game definition files.

6th November 2018

Commencing implementing a trace utility to find paths through the game which will visit each world before reaching the finish world.

17th November 2018

Invested in RubyMine and got the trace utility finding solutions to the game. Next up is to write a crude player which allows one to play through the game in a terminal session.

30th November 2018

Have been fleshing out the text for the game. Decided "Mug. Missing." is a better title than "Coffee Cup Chase" because it's a mug not a cup which is missing. Am going to try writing script to colour the nodes of the game as an alternative to finding paths through. If one can colour the nodes so that you know from any node going to a node of the next colour will give you a solution that's easier to implement.

13th December 2018

Have now got a colouration of the worlds into 4s. The workflow is now attempt to colour the worlds to get a solution, then comment out choices and results so only the jumps between worlds in the solution remain. Will write a utility to validate the edited worlds.

27th December 2018

Filling out the descriptions and dialogue. Have decided to write some tests for the validation, to check the validation will find possible dead ends in the 'game'.

22nd January 2019

Have done a first pass at the text for the game. Will now experiment with Tweego for the toolchain to generate HTML for the game.

25th January 2019

Tweego generates a HTML file for the game. This has to be opened from a web server, not off the file system due to security features in modern browsers. On my iMac that means running Apache (sudo apachectl start), and putting the HTML file either in /Library/WebServer/Documents or somewhere linked to from that directory.

6th February 2019

I've learnt with some embarrassment that Tweego doesn't parse its input files for syntax mistakes in the Sugarcube macros I'm using, and also that it preserves white space in the macro statements. Whoops.

12th April 2019

Added images to each page. Correcting flaws in the compiling of the DSL to Twee code. Added a way to debug the code by at the top of each page printing out values of internal Javascript variables.

21st April 2019

More fixes to the DSL compiling. Have sent a link to the game to a few people for feedback.

25th April 2019

Adding more choices and text so some scenes don't feel so bare, particularly towards the end of the game.

17th May 2019

Used CSS to modify the look and feel based on the helpful Twine guide by Adam Hammond.

20th May 2019

Uploaded the game to itch.io for general distribution.