Cannes an excursion
Saturday, 28th May 2022


A bad morning for me after a sleep challenged night. We had a quick bite in the View buffet before catching the tender to Cannes for our wine and cheese tasting trip to Château de Saint-Martin. No one looked at our tickets at all, instead the French woman guide called names off a list and relied on expected numbers. It felt a little disorganised. A long journey there and back but French roads are better than English ones, and the coach had reasonable air conditioning on this hot day.

There's a tradition at Château de Saint-Martin of mothers only bearing daughters and so the winemaking being passed down matrilineally. It was a competent woman and her 11-year old daughter who talked us round, and handed out cheese and a variety of wines for us to sample. They mature some of the wines at least in large stone 'vats', nowadays coated with epoxy. Discussion of the fruitiness and flowery scents of the wines went over my head. Virginia and I escaped the shop without spending anything.


We were worried about being back in time for our first sitting - we did make it in time but I again suffered going through security having to remove my belt. Must get a plastic belt. A choppy tender ride back to the boat, and exciting taking that final step between tender and the Bolette. We were the only couple at table 79, I felt sorry for the waiters. We sat right by the window but it felt like being in a greenhouse even with the blinds down so we moved to the end. I hope we haven't given Ted and Joan my cold that Virginia has now.

Went to another Bolette Theatre Company show this evening, supposedly based on a Netflix show Bridgerton, the costumes perhaps but the songs not so. The players were as energetic and committed as ever.